Tham khảo Đất phèn hoạt động

    Tiếng Anh
    • Bennema J. and Camargo M.N. 1979. Some remarks on Brazilian Latosols in relation to the Oxisols. In: Proceedings of the Second International Soil Classification Workshop. Part I.
    • Beinroth F.H. and Paramanthan S. (eds.) Malaysia, 28 August to ngày 1 tháng 9 năm 1978. Soil Survey Division, Land Development Department, Bangkok. pp. 233–261.
    • Driessen, P.M. and R. Dudal, 1991. The major soils of the world. Lecture notes on their geography, formation, properties and use. Wageningen University, Hà Lan and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. 310 pp.
    • Falkengren-Grerup, U. and Bergkvist, B.: 1995, ‘Effects of acidifying air pollutants on soil/soil solution chemistry of forest ecosystems’, Ann. Chim. 85, 317–327.
    • Lê Phát Quới, 2004. Basic of soil morphology in pedogenesis in the Plain of Reeds. Dotor thesis. The UAF.
    • Mohr, E.C.J., F.A. van Baren and J. van Schuylenborgh, 1972. Tropical soils. A comprehensive study of their genesis. 3rd Edition. Mouton, The Hague. 481 pp.
    • Moorman, F. R. and L. J. Pons, 1974. Characteristics of Mangrove soils in relation to their agricultural land use and potential. Proc. Int. Symp. on Biol. and Man. of mangro¬ves. Vol. II, p. 529-547.
    • Morman, F. R., 1961. The soils of the Republic of Vietnam, Min. of Agric. Saigon.
    • Nordstrom, D.K. (1982): Aqueous pyrite oxidation and the consequent formation of secondary iron minerals. In Acid Sulfate Weathering (J.A. Kittrick, D.S. Fanning, L.R.
    Tiếng Việt
    • Giáo trình tài nguyên đất - Khoa Môi trường, Đại Học Bách Khoa Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (2005)
    • Giáo trình Đất lâm nghiệp - Đại học Lâm nghiệp Việt Nam (2004)
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